National Housing Report 2017 – Q2
Category News
Deeds Office statistics reveal that in the second quarter of this year, 35 637 bonds were registered, with an average bond amount of approximately R1 033 000. T
Avoid these moving mistakes
Category News
At least once in their lifetime, the majority of the population will move from one home to another.
How to determine an asking price
Category Sellers
With a mass of information at their fingertips, buyers who are seriously looking at properties to purchase will soon become very knowledgeable about what they c
The Lowdown on Downsizing
Category Sellers
The kids have flown the nest, and you no longer need a large high maintenance property
Junk status and the property market
Category News
Pay down short-term debt and consolidate long-term debt
AirBnb: A little extra for your own pocket only?
Category News
A buyer's guide to keeping track of properties
Category Buyers
A buyer's guide to keeping track of properties
The interest rate and how it impacts the market
Category News
The interest rate and how it impacts the market
Special Levies
Category News
Any special contribution becomes due on the passing of a resolution in this regard by the trustees of the body corporate levying such contribution and may be re
Property, is it a true asset
Category Buyers
The large majority of South Africans aspire to own a home because they want to have a piece of land that they can call theirs and an asset that will appreciate