8 Security tips when selling a vacant home
Category Sellers
Listing and selling a home can be a stressful time, especially if you no longer live on the property. What makes selling a vacant home so much more stressful th
5 Ways to reduce your winter electrical bill
Category News
When the weather outside turns frightful most of us find staying inside far more delightful; but, with the combination of spending more time indoors and the rec
Instead of a car loan, choose a home loan
Category Buyers
With public transport being as unreliable as it is, many South Africans choose to purchase their own vehicle. Rather than opting for an affordable option, many
A buyers guide keeping track of properties
Category Buyers
While it may sound like a reasonably easy thing to do, finding the ideal home may take a little more time and effort than most expect, especially if they don't
4 Way to keep your home safe during load shedding
Category News
Given that most of our safety and security features are technology-based, load shedding has the potential to leave your home unprotected while the power is out.
Eskom price hikes
Category News
Eskom's expected hefty rise in the price of electricity set for the 1st of April combined with that fact that most of us are housebound as we try to lessen the
The importance of saving water in winter
Category News
With an abundance of rainfall during Winter, it's difficult to imagine water scarcity in the following Summer months. The necessary precautions must be taken to
Knowing which Real Estate Agents to avoid
Category Sellers
Choosing the wrong real estate professional is like wearing an incredibly expensive pair of uncomfortable shoes. Unless you swap them out for a better fit, you'
Property advise for newlyweds
Category Buyers
The notion that newly-wed couples will move from their childhood home into their first home together is as outdated as dial-up-internet. According to the 2015 S
3 Obstacles to overcome when buying a home
Category Buyers
Submitting an offer and having it accepted by the seller is exciting, but it is certainly not the end of your home purchasing journey. There are a few obstacles