Fun things to do at home during a lockdown
If the thought of being locked in your home for 21 days causes you to feel anxious, know that you are not alone. Most (if not all) of us are having trouble wrapping our minds around how we are going to cope with being stuck in isolation for an extended period of time.
However, you can find purpose in the fact that we all have a major role to play in reducing the spread of the virus by staying at home, practising social distancing, and being extra hygienic.
As much as we love binge-watching Netflix, there are many other activities we can do to stay happy, healthy and calm. For starters, you could use this lockdown time as an opportunity to spend quality time with your family, start writing the novel you've been dreaming about, or finally learn how to speak another language.
Below are a few more at-home activities you can do to keep your spirits up during this time.
Master chefs in the making
Food can be a great comfort during this time, so we encourage you to get creative - you can't go to restaurants, so you'll have to bring restaurant quality food to your home. Set the table and lay the scene of your very own at-home restaurant. For variety, host your dinner in a different room of the house each night. If the weather's good, you can do alfresco dining. To up the ante, create a live cooking show to share on your social media or have a cook-off with your partner.
Declutter your space
You need to find ways to still feel productive even though you're at home. Tackling household chores and projects can help provide that feeling of accomplishment. If you've always wanted your clothing cupboard to be colour coordinated, now is as good a time as ever to make it happen. Everyone has a dedicated cupboard for Tupperware, which rarely stays tidy. Use this time to declutter and reorganise your kitchen. As a bonus, you could sell the things you pack out to earn a little bit of cash once this lockdown is lifted.
Find spaces for everything*
Even though we associate our homes with relaxation, with homeschooling and home offices, it can be helpful to create a designated workout space. Exercise releases much-needed endorphins to help boost your mood over this time. There are many at-home exercises that you can find online and do in the comfort of your lounge. Alternatively, you can use this space for reading a book or doing something peaceful, as you'll need to keep your spirits high and your mind at ease.
DIY projects
There are plenty of things that you can DIY at home, so get out your notebook and start jotting down any "Do it Yourself" projects you've always wanted to do but could never make time for. Whether it be clearing out your cupboard and revamping old clothes into something more on-trend, or finally finishing the photo wall you started. You can find many tutorials online on repurposing items you'll find in your house. Even if the DIY project is as small as moving the furniture to open the space up, any small updates will improve the environment and lift your spirits.
Stay clean, stay safe & stay home
We all need to stay strong and keep motivated during this time. Although it sounds simple enough, it may become challenging as the days start to pass. Keep an eye out for any new updates regarding the virus, but try to stay away from all the bad and fake news floating around social media. Things will return to normal, so don't allow yourself to get swept up in the panic.
(*small alterations made to original text)